The Book is Coming! The Blog Begins!

Guess what?!?! my new book arrives in IVP's warehouse soon!!! It should be out by mid-September sometime, which means it's time to get the blog and website going too!

I’ve been told that it’s helpful for authors to have a personal website these days. But I really dislike the idea of branding or marketing myself. It’s embarrassing, it’s not who I am, and it’s hard to honor God when I’m focused on promoting myself. But I do see the value in having a single landing page for the work and writing I’m involved in. So that’s why I agreed to this website and that's what it's going to be about: updates, reflections, and information. And the occasional fishing photo of course :)

Thanks for coming by!


(Posts below this one are an archive of some of the articles I've published within the last couple years.)

Ben Lowe