DGWGU Makes "Best Books of the Year" List for 2014
Byron Borger of Hearts and Minds Bookstore compiled his "Best Books of the Year" list for 2014 and Doing Good Without Giving Up was included! Here's what he had to say:
Doing Good Without Giving Up: Sustaining Social Action in a World That's Hard to Change Ben Lowe (IVP) $16.00 Just a few years ago I raved about a book that remains a companion for me, and should be in the backpack or end-table of any activist (or those who may not identify as an activist, but one who cares deeply about making a difference in the world.) That book was by Tyler Wigg-Stevenson and was called The World Is Not Ours To Save and it remains a very, very special book to me. Stevenson's call to deep spiritual practices that allow us to be people of hope, to trust God with the rescuing of the planet, is mature and sound.
And yet, there is a need for a companion volume to that, one that is, well, maybe just a wee bit more practical. As the kids say, we might wonder what it looks like to be an activist of this very sort, hopeful, working out of good motivations, not fearful or frantic or angry. How does one keep on, keeping on? It is a central theme of Steve Garber's serious reflection (Visions of Vocation) but again, we need a clear guide, a handbook to accompany us along the journey.
My friend Ben Lowe has given us just what we need and a great, great gift in offering a book just like this: here is what, indeed, a spiritually-wise, balanced, hopeful, engaged, Christ-centered life of world-changing activism really looks like. Lowe (who has even run for office, which gives him some nifty stories) offers profound ruminations on truly big stuff -- avoiding idolatries, practicing repentance, building bridges with opponents, discerning one's vocation around various causes and issues, and more mundane things for any of us involved in ministry or social change work, the small things that matter. This book includes practical advice, important guidance in living out the love of Jesus, doing the good and holy work of advocacy for change, and yet enjoying the ride.
This is a book I have longed for in years past, and one I want to share with anyone who wants to persevere when, as he says, "the novelty wares off and our enthusiasm runs out." Doing Good offers key practices for sustaining social action, and allows us to seek God's Kingdom through faithful missional lives. Excellent. I am sure I will be talking about it, and recommending it, for years to come.
Check out the full list of books here: http://www.heartsandmindsbooks.com/booknotes/2014_-_best_books_of_the_year/