Updates from Urbana 2015
One of two environment-related workshops at Urbana - over 300 in attendance here!
Every three years InterVarsity Christian Fellowship holds their huge Urbana missions conference in St. Louis, MO. Two conferences ago, at Urbana 2009, we had a whole track on creation care, but interest seemed low, with only around 20-50 people at each of the sessions. This year, at Urbana 2015, I was asked to lead two workshops and was greatly encouraged by the much stronger turnout and many fruitful discussions. A sign of the growing concern and commitment among my generation to love our neighbors and care for God's world, which we are inheriting! Oh, and the IVP bookstore sold out of Green Revolution copies, which is a good problem to have :)
Thanks to all the friends and colleagues who helped, including Ben Bacheller at TEAM, Brittany Ederer at the Lausanne Creation Care Network, Phil Murphy at H.E.A.R.T., Kermit Hovey at Care of Creation, the OMF team, the Urbana Afternoon Program team, and many more. Here's more info on the two workshops:
New Frontiers in Missions - The Gospel Amidst Global Environmental Crises: Similar to the development of medical missions in the last century, environmental missions is a growing frontier with unique opportunities for service and witness at home and abroad. Come discuss biblical perspectives on environmental problems and explore their implications for missions and ministry today.
Making Sense of Climate Change - Questions, Solutions, and the Church’s Role: Climate change is a mounting injustice impacting communities across the world. It remains a polarizing and confusing issue in much of the American church. What's going on, what needs to be done, and how are Christians on the forefront of responding to this growing humanitarian and environmental crisis